Prenatal Chiropractic Care

Pregnancy is an incredible vital time in a women’s life. Receiving chiropractic care is one of the simplest and most effective things one can do to improve the pregnancy and labour experience. Chiropractors work with the body’s ability to adapt and function, the way it is supposed to.
A women’s body is under a tremendous amount of stress throughout the pregnancy. The growing abdomen shifts the centre of gravity resulting in postural changes such as forward head posture, tilting of pelvis, increase in the lumbar curve are a few of the changes a new mom will have to adapt to. This can result in symptoms such as neck and shoulder pain, headaches, hip and lower back pain, sciatic, mid back pain, rib pain and heartburn.
Some of the benefits of chiropractic care:
The Webster Technique
Developed in 1978 by Dr. Larry Webster, it is a specific chiropractic analysis and adjustment for the pregnant woman. Working to treat sacral imbalances, this technique balances pelvis muscles and ligaments, removing intrauterine constraint and allows the baby to get into the best possible position for birth. Any birth position other than the ideal vertex, occiput anterior position of the baby (head down) indicates the inhibiting effects of intrauterine constraint. Such presentations lead to a longer more painful labours with increased medical interventions.
For more than 20 years, this chiropractic technique has facilitated easier, safer deliveries for both mother and baby. Many pregnant women and birth care providers are now actively seeking Doctors of Chiropractic who are trained in this technique.
Book a consultation with one of our trained chiropractors to see how we can help!
A women’s body is under a tremendous amount of stress throughout the pregnancy. The growing abdomen shifts the centre of gravity resulting in postural changes such as forward head posture, tilting of pelvis, increase in the lumbar curve are a few of the changes a new mom will have to adapt to. This can result in symptoms such as neck and shoulder pain, headaches, hip and lower back pain, sciatic, mid back pain, rib pain and heartburn.
Some of the benefits of chiropractic care:
- Make you feel more comfortable.
- Reduce the torsion to the ligaments that support the uterus.
- Balances the pelvis to optimize the amount of space for the baby to grow.
- More space allows your baby to get into the best position for birth.
The Webster Technique
Developed in 1978 by Dr. Larry Webster, it is a specific chiropractic analysis and adjustment for the pregnant woman. Working to treat sacral imbalances, this technique balances pelvis muscles and ligaments, removing intrauterine constraint and allows the baby to get into the best possible position for birth. Any birth position other than the ideal vertex, occiput anterior position of the baby (head down) indicates the inhibiting effects of intrauterine constraint. Such presentations lead to a longer more painful labours with increased medical interventions.
For more than 20 years, this chiropractic technique has facilitated easier, safer deliveries for both mother and baby. Many pregnant women and birth care providers are now actively seeking Doctors of Chiropractic who are trained in this technique.
Book a consultation with one of our trained chiropractors to see how we can help!